Summer Serenade - 4 July 2022
Monday 4th July 2022 at 8pm
The Royal Hotel, Hayfield

High Peak Singers conducted by Hannah Brine

Please ensure your phone and any other electronic devices are switched to silent. Please do give generously to support the Acoustic Soup project at New Mills Volunteer Centre (scroll down for more information). Enjoy the performance!


Ergen Deda – Traditional Bulgarian folksong, music by Peter Lyondev arr. Bryan Welton

The Storm Is Passing Over – Charles Albert Tindley

Pokarekare Ana – Traditional New Zealand love song

Written and performed by Matt Gannicliffe

Tell Me On A Sunday – music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics by Don Black
Performed by Annie Hallam

Dona nobis

We welcome Janice Hough to give a short talk about New Mills Volunteer Centre

Make You Feel My Love – Bob Dylan arr. Ed Blunt

Original song
Written and performed by Aidan Tigwell 

Love Is A Losing Game – Amy Winehouse
Performed by Mo Monaghan

Haul Away Joe – Traditional sea shanty

I Sing Because I’m Happy – Charles H. Gabriel arr. Kenneth Paden, adapted by Rollo Dilworth

High Peak Singers

High Peak Singers was founded by Hannah Brine in May 2022 and tonight is the choir’s inaugural performance. The choir rehearses on Monday evenings and new members are welcome. High Peak Singers is a mixed voice choir (sopranos, altos, tenors and basses) for adults aged 18+. You don’t need to have singing experience or be able to read music, but if you can read music then you’ll find that helpful and everyone is encouraged to learn/follow the music. If you are interested in joining for the Autumn term or would like to find out more, please email

Hannah Brine

Originally from Leicester, Hannah founded High Peak Singers, Finsbury Park Singers, Kensington Singers, Victoria Park Singers, and the ITV office choir. She coached the choir for, and sang with, Gary Barlow for his 2016 Royal Variety performance and his 2017 Olivier Awards, for which he was the opening act, and also performed with Gary on BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing. Her session credits include Disney, Upstart Crow and various dance releases. She has taught at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, as well as studying on the Estill Voice Model Certified Master Teacher programme with Anne Marie Speed. She has an LRSM distinction in choral conducting, and in 2015 was named a BBC Unsung Hero for her work with Victoria Park Singers.

Hannah released her debut EP A Piece of My Heart in January 2022. Her work over lockdown has seen her tracks feature on new British radio soap opera Greenborne, starring John Altman (Eastenders’ Nasty Nick Cotton). She can also be found composing for choirs. Her Virtual choir piece Winter Lark, written during the 2020 pandemic, was premiered on Scala Radio, and Ray of Sunlight was performed earlier this year by the London Symphony Orchestra’s Discovery Youth Choir. Her 2022 single You & I, recorded with Roger Shah and Ciaran McCauley, reached Number 1 of the worldwide Trance charts. 

Adam Hutchins

Adam is based in New Mills & works as a pianist, organist, musical director & piano teacher. He studied for a BA Honours degree in Jazz Studies at Leeds College of Music (1995 – 1998) and studied for a Postgraduate Diploma in Performance at Salford University (1998 – 2000). Now working with lots of different bands across jazz, blues, musical theatre & pop, alongside piano teaching at secondary schools in Cheshire & Derbyshire.

New Mills Volunteer Centre

We are delighted to be supporting New Mills Volunteer Centre’s new project, Acoustic Soup.  This is a weekly drop-in session for the community which involves nutritious homemade soup (pay what you can) and an hour of engaging and interactive live music session with a varied programme of musicians – to help improve mental health, wellbeing, and connectedness.  Some weeks we will have poetry and/or storytelling. 

New Mills Volunteer Centre organises an army of local volunteers within the community to support isolated, vulnerable and struggling people by providing services at little or no cost.  Their services are available to anyone from Little Hayfield to Chapel en le Frith.

  • Transport to medical appointments – as far as Chesterfield and Manchester, where they will wait with the client and take them back again. The cost of this only covers the volunteer expenses
  • Running social activities and groups – lunch clubs, dementia friendly musical events, chair-based exercise classes, minibus shopping to local supermarkets, volunteer social events e.g. quiz nights
  • Befriending – telephone and home befriending for those unable to get out and about easily or are isolated
  • Gardening – helping with small gardening maintenance work
  • Signposting – helping and directing the community to the services and support they need
  • Volunteer brokerage – advertising volunteer opportunities within the community

The centre is always looking for new volunteers, so if you feel that you are looking for a new rewarding role would like to get involved more with your local community, please get in touch.